
The Missouri Fishing Guide was first created in 1999 during a time when information online was hard to find. You may have even visited the original site. The new site has much of that same plus updated information, and the graphics and navigation have been improved.

The original goal of the Missouri Fishing Guide was to keep it simple so that anglers at any level could make use of the information. The new site has been updated with that same goal, keep it simple. There are no memberships or fees, just a simple site to share with the rest of the fishing community.

This site nor I are affiliated with any State, Federal or fishing organizations, but I have provided a link to the Missouri Department of Conservation below where fishing regulations and additional information can be found for Missouri. As for the detailed lakes information, that came courtesy of lake guides at the time that were generous enough to fill out a questionnaire. Again, Thank You, fishing guides.

There are many more resources avaiable about fishing today and Information changes rapidly. If you discover inaccuracies or have any comments, please let me know using the form below.

Good fishing!

Missouri Department of Conservation